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The Press on SinaPharm

Since its founding back in 2005, various media outlets have reported on SinaPharm’s activities. We have made a few excerpts of the actual reports available to you, in pdf form, below (please note that these excerpts are taken from Austrian media and have been authored in German):

The Ärztekrone reports of a ‘New Player’ in the pharmaceutical market. It reports of some of the products and activities of SinaPharm, especially the congresses that are attended by several of the worlds opinionleaders. See excerpt

This article was mirrored on the Apothekerkrone, speaking of a new star in the skies of the pharmaceutical market. See excerpt

An article of PHARMAustria published the opinion of Dr. Hossein Gharib, SinaPharm’s founder, regarding the implications of the health reform 2006 on the marketing strategies of pharmaceutical companies. See excerpt

See SinaPharm’s own advertisement that was released to several media outlets here.

More information about the International Summit Conference on Calcium and Vitamin D3 on November 25th – 26th, 2011 with cooperation of the Austrian Society for Bone and Mineral Research here.

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